Hello, I'm Simon.


I remember the exact point when I became too timid to speak.
It was aged 10, a few weeks into the autumn term at school. The teacher asked, and I couldn’t answer.

Surrounded by laughing class-mates it was a rabbit-in-the-headlights moment; sweaty palms, a sudden hot flush and shortness of breath. My throat went drier than the desert but it didn’t matter - I couldn’t have spoken a word because my brain seized up. I felt awkward, humiliated and embarrassed.

In five excruciatingly uncomfortable minutes I went from an outgoing, gregarious child to someone who daren’t open his mouth in public. It lasted years.

Since then I’ve learned to love speaking in public and have been fortunate to teach and train audiences across the UK, Europe, the Middle East, the Caribbean and the Americas.

Along the way I’ve come to understand that speech-making is a set of mindsets and techniques that can be easily learned and practised.

Today, I help timid talkers afraid to make themselves heard become confident, passionate speechmakers.

Why not join me while I help you discover that finding your voice is easier - and a lot more fun - than you think.

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